OSA103F hardware


PCB layout and schematic diagram


OSA-6G and OSA-4G modules
FRA and spectrum analyzer frequency range extension

FRA Mode
Frequency range (OSA-6G): 24 MHz … 6.2 GHz.
Frequency range (OSA-4G): 35 MHz … 4.4 GHz.
Dynamic range (over the entire frequency range, with RBW 22 Hz): >110 dB.
Generator output level: 0 dBm.
Mixer unit transfer ratio (from RF Input to IF Output): 0 dB.
Initial overall flatness before calibration (over the entire frequency range): <2.0 dB.

Spectrum Analyzer Mode
Frequency range (OSA-6G): 37 MHz … 6.2 GHz
Frequency range (OSA-4G): 48 MHz … 4.4 GHz

Span: 25 MHz … 6 GHz (8 values)
RBW frequency resolution: 6 kHz … 360 kHz (7 values)
Dynamic range at RBW 6 kHz: 80 dB
Scanning speed at RBW 360 kHz: 6 GHz / s


 PCB layout and schematic diagram


6G-VNA module
Vector antenna analyzer, single port VNA frequency range extension

Frequency range (with OSA-6G): 25 MHz … 6.2 GHz
Frequency range (with OSA-4G): 35 MHz … 4.4 GHz

Directivity after OSL calibration (over the entire frequency range): >45 dB



PCB layout and schematic diagram

6G-VNA assembly and calibration (in Russian)

OSA103F + OSA-6G + 6G-VNA


OSA103 Mini hardware

OSA103 Mini discontinued

Archive OSA103 Mini
